Tuesday, May 11, 2004

How's This For Justice?

According to Xinhuanet.com (and several other sources), Palestinian Militants blew up an Israeli armored personnel carrier, killing 6 Israeli soldiers. Notice that? 6 soldiers. Saraya Al Quds, the armed wing of the Islamic Jihad movement claimed responsibility.

In response, according to eyewitnesses, an Israeli Apache helicopter (wonder where they got that from?) fired a rocket at a crowd of local residents (other sources say it was at a car). Israeli soldiers then arrested 5 residents on the spot in order to use them as human shields while they cleared away their 6 dead.

Body count?
6 Israeli soldiers dead
4 Palestinians killed, including a 10 year old boy
90 Palestinians wounded (according to the NYT), 5 of whom are in critical condition

Glad to know Israel, the only sovereign State in the fray, is fighting the good fight, and not steeping to State Terrorism

[Edit] Note, just heard on the radio that Palestinians has paraded some of the body parts through the streets, and Egypt is trying to pressure them to turn them over to Israel.

See, I just love this stuff. Let's reply to this action with some sick disgusting act. Yeah, that'll show them.

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